PH.D. Gao Xiaocai
Born in 1964, PH.D. Professor and tutor of the PH.D student, Deputy director of Human and Health Research Institute of Northwest University, Xi’an, P. R. China.
Graduated from Northwest University in 1987 with double Bachelor's degree in philosophy and science.
Got Master's degree major in animal science (cognitive science) from Northwest University in 1999.
Received Doctor’s degree major in animal science from Shaanxi Normal University in 2008.
Teaching Respects
Undertaking the undergraduates’ and graduates’ professional foundation courses and degree course teaching work, such as "applied statistics", "psychology and education statistics", "social statistics", "Neurobiology", "cognitive neuroscience", "cognitive psychology", "physiological psychology" and so on.
Scientific researches
Mainly engaged in human genetics research on mental retardation and cognitive ability.
Presided over two National Natural Science Fund projects, one 10th Five Years Key Programs for Science and Technology Development of China and two Shaanxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation projects. In recent years, more than 40 academic articles have been published, including 12 SCI papers.
The main researches
(1)The researches on inherited pathogenic factors of the mental retardation in Qin-ba region.
(2)The researches on iodine deficiency susceptibility genes and the identification of iodine deficiency susceptibility families.
(3) The researches on genes related to human cognitive ability.
Academic Achievements
(1)A study on the correlation between IL1RAPL1 and human cognitive ability. Neurosci Letters, 2008,438(2).
(2)No Observable Relationship between the ACE Gene Insertion /Deletion Polymorphism and Psychometric IQ and Psychomotor Ability in Chinese Children.Neuropsychobiology, 2006, 53.
(3)Association Analysis Between 12 Genetic Variants of Ten Genes and Personality Traits in a Young Chinese Han Population. J Mol Neurosci, 2010, 42.
(4) Study of psychomotor test methods for children aged 6 to 14 years old in Qinba Mounta in Area. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ENDEMIOLOGY, 2007,26(1).
(5) Discussion on diagnosing standard for subcretins in suspicious children aged 0~4 years old in Qinba mountain area, China. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ENDEMIOLOGY, 2007, 26(3).
(6) Change of suspicious sub-cretin children's psychomotor function in different periods of iodine supplementation. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ENDEMIOLOGY, 2005, 24(2)
(7) Change of suspicious sub-cretin children's audition handicap in different period of supplementation iodine. JOURNAL OF NORTHWEST UNIVERSITY (NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION), 2006,35(1).
(8) The correlation between psychomotor function test score and IQ of children in iodine deficient area. JOURNAL OF NORTHWEST UNIVERSITY (NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION) , 2005, 36(4).
Institute of Population and Health,
College of Life Science,
Northwest University
Xi’an, 710069
P.R. China
Tel: 86159-9168-6860
Fax: 86 (0)29 88303328