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Tian Lijuan


Born in 1968. Lecturer. Doctor of Education.

Research Interest

1.     Economy of Education and Management

2.     Vocational Education


1.    The Research on the Adaptability of Vocational Education to the Labor Market at Present in China [D], Beijing Normal University, 2008.

2.   The Predicament of Non-quantitative Research in Yield Rate of Vocational Education [J], Education and Vocation,2008.

3.   The research on the issue of Vocational Education to the Labor Market [J], Research in Educational Development, 2010.

4.    On the Structural Unemployment in the Personnel Market [J],Tangdu Jornal, 2000.

5.    Research on the Problems of the International Comparison and Reflection on the Educational Investment in China and India [D], Shaanxi Normal University , 2001.

6.    Breaking through the bottleneck of Compulsory Education Expenditure of migrant workers’ children [J], Journal of Gannan Teachers College, 2008.

7.    Test Market and Its Irrational Mechanism of Supply and Demand [J], Enrollment and Examination in Hubei, 2006.

8.    On Tutor of teachers [J], Journal of National Academy of Education, 2007.

9.    Colleges and Activities of Shaanxi in the Period of Tongzhi and Guangxu in Qing Dynasty [J], Social Sciences in Ningxia, 2005.

10.  Colleges and Activities of Shaanxi in the Period of Tongzhi and Guangxu in Qing Dynasty [J], Chinese Social Science Digest, 2005.

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